Pets Central 旺角動物醫院

Pets Central hospitals and clinics provide general and specialist professional veterinary services using state-of-the-art technology. We provide maximum support to clients through our 24/7 hospitals and our coverage across the whole of Hong Kong.


Pets Central 將軍澳動物醫院

Pets Central hospitals and clinics provide general and specialist professional veterinary services using state-of-the-art technology. We provide maximum support to clients through our 24/7 hospital and our coverage across the whole of Hong Kong.Pets Central is a collaboration among Hong Kong’s leading Vets dedicated to providing the very best care for your Pet. With 24 hour care and experienced veterinary expertise across the board, Pets Central can diagnose and treat for almost any circumstance, providing true one stop care.



康誠動物醫院 (WVH) 成立於2016年。 康誠動物醫院建基於「健康」和「真誠」之上。我們相信,在寵物的不同歲數、不同生理階段中,都可以找到真正的身心安康。 從小到老,不論是預防疫苗接種、年度體檢、處理各種小病痛,以至幫助年老長期病患之寵物找到生活質素,我們都盡力給予最好的照顧。正如每隻小動物都各有獨特性格,我們了解每個人寵家庭都不一樣,所以我們會在主人能力範圍內給予最週全的治療方案,讓主人可以選擇如何和愛寵一起渡過病患。 我們的使命是努力傾聽、盡力協助。
